Friday, April 9, 2010

Moving forward from where we are

There has been lots of discussion this week about what we'd like to do if we could access some of these tools in our schools. David Warlick in a post on his 2 Cents Worth Blog called It Was Good Enough for Me poses a series of questions to consider and actions to take, focusing on what we want children to learn and the relevant and compelling learning experiences we want to create for them not the technology for technology's sake. What do you want our dream classroom to look like and why?

1 comment:

  1. I loved the blog by David Warlick that you referred us to. The suggestion of putting together a page on my website about my dream classroom is excellent. I just found out that my school has the ability to unblock certain sites for individual classes. It will be up to me to justify the opening of sites and maybe this could influence my co-workers to use technology.
